1. Modcloth. I'm guessing you've heard of, drooled over, purchased things from modcloth but if you purchase something through this link you'll save $20 on a $50 purchase, for new members only (until October 31st, after that it goes back to $10). Totally worth it!
2. Romantically Apocalyptic. This is one of my favorite webcomics. The story is funny and really well written but I mostly read RA for the artwork. Seriously beautiful. Dark and well drawn, this comic is amazing.
3. Pictures of Scared Bros. This pretty much needs no explaination. So hilarious.
4. Rape-free Horror Movies. Joey Comeau of A Softer World features a list of rape free movies on his horror movie review blog, I'm into survival. Some good suggestions of you like your movies free of sexual violation and torture porn.
5. Your beautiful eyes. An amazing photography project. Eyes are fascinating and Suren Manvelyan's extreme close ups are mind blowing.
6. HotDOG. This photo is the cutest thing in the world.

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