1. I just completed my junior year of college.
2. I'm a double major in Communication and Media Studies and Graphic Design.
3. I have a twelve-year-old Golden Retriever named Penny.
4. I danced for twelve years, competitively for eight.
5. Ballet on Pointe was my favorite, although I only did it for a year.
6. I've worked at least one job since I was 16. I work two now during school breaks and one throughout the school semester.
7. I love Supernatural Horror movies and TV shows.
8. I also love goofy mockumentry shows, like Parks and Rec, the Office and Arrested Development.
9. I feel incomplete if I'm not in the middle of reading a novel.
10. I'm addicted to caffeine.
11. I prefer salty things to sweet.
12. I'm sort of an adreneline junkie.
13. I'm a bit superstitious.
14. I hate perpetuating any sort of heteronormativity; therefore I identify as cisgendered and queer.
15. I love anything with polkadots on it.
16. I've been dealing with depression, anxiety and self-injury since I was 13. I'm trying to not be ashamed of it anymore.
17. I'm addicted to cosmetics.
18. I always wear glasses or contacts; I can't see without them!
19. I have 3 tattoos and plan on getting many more.
20. I love baking and cooking.
Tell me something random about you in the comments. Or better yet, make your own post and link it below! I love finding out random things about people. Thanks for reading!

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