As I had previously promised here is a semi-epic food post from over winter break. My cousin, aunt and I spent some quality time together literally eating a boatful of sushi! I also went to a fondue restaurant with my mom and nana to celebrate me getting a 3.7 GPA last semester.

Penny also got her share of treats over break..

If never been a huge fan of Sushi but I must say it does look really good
@ Navin
I'm a sushi fanatic. This was probably some of the best sushi I've ever had though. It was amazing.
I fell in love with Sushi the first time I taste it... :) Yum!
@Cherry, me too. I love nothing more than raw fish!
@Bernadeth, Thanks! I'll be sure to stop by.
Ohh these look so good, I love sushi!
I have never tried sushi! After this, maybe I will!
Thanks for all of the comments! <3
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