Location. I am on Spring Break this week. I guess it's nice having a break from classes and homework and the general insanity my school life has become but home has it's own issues. On the bright side, as I'm sure you know if you follow me on Instagram, I've been spending a bunch of quality time with Penny.
Reading. There seems to be no end in sight with the reading for my classes so no "fun" reading for me. I am reading Under the Feet of Jesus right now and so far I'm enjoying it.
Watching. I've been on a total Netflix binge lately. This week from the hours of 11pm to 4am you can find me in various states of wakefulness in front of my laptop. I've been watching some good movies on Netflix, which I might post on soon, as well as, 30 Rock and Pretty Little Liars.
Trying. I have been (re)attempting online dating. I've had varying degrees of success in the past, I've met "friends" and boyfriends on various dating sites but I've also had many more bad dates and terrible messages through these ports. As someone who is terribly shy and had a fair share of my dirty laundry aired around a small college, it is hard for me to just meet someone.
Achieving. I am working to finish my 20 before 21 list. I still have a good amount of time before December but I'm starting to exercise more regularly (at least once a week), I'm learning to drive and stage managing a show with a very clear feminist message (three out of twenty? not too bad!)

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